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Image by Joshua Bartell



Adult Literacy

Our adult literacy program has helped many people in the Clara Town region and has provided many opportunities for people. Our goal is to afford the people of Liberia, especially those that are in the Clara Town region, the chance to read and write. Since 2003, we’ve been very successful in implementing these goals and in the process helping the world’s most vulnerable people. 


With a UN report, stating the high illiteracy rate in the country, we are working harder to close that gap. With your help, we can continue to change lives in Clara Town and other parts of War impoverished countries in West Africa.


Health Awareness

With limited hospitals and clinics in Clara Town, the price of health care is high in the region. We’ve embarked on providing medical supplies, food and clothing fo rthe people of the region. Life expantacy in the nation of Liberia is low, partly because of the lack of better clinics and hospitals. During the civil war, many hospitals were targeted for destruction, leaving the nation with makeshift hospitals. With your help, we will continue to provide medical supplies for the people of Clara Town.



Focused on growing an enduring food and agriculture innovation cluster in the Grow-Africa regions. The high-growth food and agriculture startups from across Africa and engages them in the region’s rapidly-growing startup ecosystem.

Humanitarian organization is required to execute bold plans to grow jobs, connect with local people, and contribute to a thriving country economy.



Training: The training of family and individuals makes a great difference in the lives of the people. Some of our training center around: Health, empowerment, education, and more.


Hiv/Aids Training: We teach about the danger of HIV/AIDs and other sexually transmitted diseases and how to prevent them. We also teach about safe delivery practice, thereby promoting good motherhood.


Education & Self-Empowerment: We teach that education brings self empowerment and provide the means for individuals and family to achieve that.

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During the civil war in Liberia, many of the young men and women that took part were from the rural areas, either unskilled or unlearned, with the most primary education. After demobilization, these young men and women are in the streets with no where to go.

Our educational programs is helping to bring hope and rehabilitation to many of them. These men and women are vulnerable without proper education and they pose risk to themselves without proper education.

Image by Hush Naidoo

Agriculture & Covid-19

During this unprecedented pandemic, economic development programs like this identify and support innovative, high growth potential startups, so that they scale, create new jobs, and leverage the region’s wealth of food and agricultural assets machinery, equipment, facilities, or livestock that is used in farming. Grow-Africa will provide a boost to the economy at a time when it is urgently needed.



Support Our Programs & Mission


Help us get our programs to the rural areas in Africa that need them. Please donate to help us provide program equipment, and basic living resources like food, water and clothes.

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 


2 Corinthians 9:11

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